Anthony Maranise, M.A.
Research Specialist
Lifestyle Coaching Services (Sports & Personal)
The Foundation for the Study of Sports & the Christian Spiritual Life
Tel. +1. 901. 497.9155

The Foundation for the Study of Sports & the Christian Spiritual Life exists not only to scholastically develop the synthesis between sports as a physical discipline and the lived-experience of personal relationship with Jesus Christ, but also to promote, advance, and implement such a synthesis. Further, our hope is that the community of believers might come to view their participation in sports not as yet another activity on an already busy schedule, but instead as an intentional and active desire to encounter the sacredness of Christ amidst even the most seemingly profane activities.
Thank you for your interest in this new venture.
In the coming months, as the foundation and institute becomes more solidified, we will add more information via this medium.
In the interim, should you have questions or wish to dialogue with us, please contact the Founder / Director at the information listed above.
To learn more about the meaning of the logo featured at center as well as the ideals of the foundation / institute, please click the link above.